United States
The Estée Lauder Companies is committed to providing our consumers with safe, prestige beauty products of the highest quality. Consumer safety is our top priority, which is why we are dedicated to the prevention of the illegal sale and distribution of counterfeit products.
Counterfeiting is the practice of illegally manufacturing and selling products with the intent to deceive consumers. Simply put, counterfeit products are fake replicas of real products. Counterfeit products lack the quality, research and development and rigorous safety testing that we invest in our products. In fact, counterfeit products may contain ingredients that are banned or at levels that can be hazardous to consumers.
Counterfeit products can be found through a variety of channels around the world, including unauthorized internet sites, flea markets, street vendors and individuals. Consumers may encounter a counterfeit good that appears genuine but is not.
Counterfeiters are criminals and often engage in other unlawful conduct such as identity theft and delivering products that can cause harm to consumers. Additionally, many counterfeiting rings have been linked to organized crime networks and terrorist groups, with profits from counterfeit sales often used to support these activities.
The only way to ensure that the products you purchase are authentic and safe is to purchase only from our authorized online or in-store retailers or directly from our brands. Lists of authorized retailers can be found on each brand’s website.
Unless consumers purchase through an authorized retailer, it is difficult to know if a product is authentic and safe, if it has been tampered with, whether it has been stored correctly, etc. The product may lack the intended benefits and safety of the authentic product.
In addition to avoiding counterfeit products by only purchasing through authorized retailers and websites, you can report suspected counterfeit activity or products by: calling 1.888.378.3359 or emailing [email protected].